Berg Reisen Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

Berg Reisen Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

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Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Patan Tour

Facts About Trip


Private Vehicle/ Car/ Bus/ Van

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Half day sightseeing


Attractions of Patan Museum  is one of the landmarks which falls under the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Nepal. Patan Museum showcases antique arts and crafts and rare pieces of valuable guilt work of metals during the Malla era of Kings and it is the first public museum in Nepal.

The numbers of visitors are in increasing numbers at Patan Museum. Today the Patan museum has the guest studio, courtyard, giftshop, café, seminar hall and exhibition gallery. In the ground floor arcade of the gallery there is a representative selection of inscribes stone Stella from 17th century wooden temple brackets carv with Hindu pantheon, most of the handicrafts makes of cast iron and gilt copper repousse’ work can be find at Patan Museum. Patan museum is formerly the residence of Malla kings. Only the section surrounding Keshav Narayan Chowk has been turn to a museum.

The top section contains some fascinating vintage photos of Patan in the end of the 19TH century. Photography for tourist is allow at Patan museum and it requires a permit fee to be pay for entering the museum and going to the age of old and glorious days of Patan city.


Patan Golden Temple or the Hiranya Varna Mahabir is actually a historical Vihara symbolically. It is popular as “Golden Great Monastery”. It is a three storey structure build in Pagoda style of the Shakyamuni Buddha. Inside the upper storey is the golden image and large prayer wheel. Hence, the Golden temple has two entrances and narrow stone entrance below is guarding  by 2 stone lions and this was built in 1886. Golden temple brings in lots of tourists and it boasts to be one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Nepal.

The outer structure is a grand design with golden roofs. The foreigners require paying the admission fees and buying the ticket for entering the Golden temple. The outer gate has two guard lions idols on either sides.  The another Attractions of Patan is a piece of history and earlier civilization denoting existence and enlightenment of Gautama Buddha. Many prominent and distinguished faces have come to Nepal and have visited Patan Durbar Square, Hanuman Dhoka and viewed the Golden Temple of Patan.

Now it is a sacred pilgrimage site for many Buddhist people and continues to attract many local and foreign tourists to pay a visit while in Patan. So there are various things to explore the Attraction of Patan durbar square.


Krishna temple is within the periphery of Patan Durbar Square. This Temple is also famous as one of the Attractions of Patan. It was built in 1637 by King Siddhi Narsingh Malla. The temple was built in Shikhara style. The temple has three floors beneath 21 golden pinnacles. The first floor has Lord Krishna idol, second floor has Lord Shiva idol and third floor has Lokeshwor idol. Crowning the three floors from above are 21 golden pinnacles. Till today the temples are managed by Local Brahmins and devotees flock to visit the temple on the day of Krishna Janmashtami.

The temples first floor pillar carvings narrated events from Mahabharata. The second floor narrated the Ramayana. Krishna Mandir has the euphoric prayers (bhajans) and oil lamps burnt by the devotees to their Lord Krishna-who is the supreme God of Hindus. Non-hindus however cannot enter the Krishna temple. In 2015 a jolt of earthquake hit Nepal and had impacted the country buildings and structures. Exceptionally Krishna Temple stayed intact despite the jolt of an earthquake.


Rato Machhendranath Temple of Bungamati is located at Patan. It is one of the most significant Attractions of Patan City. Rato Machhendranath is consider the God of rain at Patan. Till today we celebrate each year Jatra of Rato Machhendranath. The chariot of 60 foot height is build honoring Buddhist deity of compassion Lord Avalokitesvara. The chariot being pulling  is decoration  with garlands at Pulchowk is brought from Machhendranath temple. Whenever this chariot is pulling it always rains. This festival is the longest jatra of all.

Many people swarm to see the chariot getting pull by the Newari people and this brings joy to the faces of the observers mainly Hindus and Buddhist newars to know that their God is happy. Monsoon is the peak time for sowing crops. The rain of this day is believed to be pure and wash away all the sins and impurities of people. Along the side of Machhendranath chariot Bhoto jatra festival by pulling the chariot where the Bhoto or the vest is show to the crowd. This tradition starts from King Guna Kama Deva’s period where he give the authority at the end of rath pulling ceremony.

Bhoto is bring forth and show to the people in hope that someone will come with come with a proof of Bhoto and take them away. This is done as per the customs along with Machhendranath Jatra, where after the procession has been completed, the month long festival ends. This festival is known as most Attractions of Patan durbar square. 

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